Watch Patrick's new TV-ready ad!

Patrick Cale loves his hometown and understands the importance of community service. Whether it’s serving pancakes or ringing bells for the Salvation Army, he understands the importance of serving his community. As an active member of the Noon Lions Club member and a former Chamber board member, Patrick enjoys being involved in the city projects and helping its residents in any way he can.
Cale is a longtime businessman and civil servant who knows that honesty and transparency truly are the best policies. When it comes to his hometown, he is upfront about his ideas and takes concerns seriously. Patrick is always planning for the future; he is not looking for short-term fixes. He bases decisions on whether they are well suited for Muskogee and will be beneficial in the long run. Patrick understands the financial needs and demands of running, growing and maintaining a city and knows that making informed decisions for the future is the only way for a city to prosper.
For this race for Mayor, Cale has received the support from outgoing Mayor Marlon Coleman, among others.
Endorsed by Retiring Mayor Marlon Coleman!
(Watch the commercial here)